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Connections House

Empowering Lives Through Social Practice

A holistic approach to mental health and community integration


An Introduction to Social Practice

Traditional mental health care often focuses solely on medical treatment, overlooking the social and emotional needs of individuals with serious mental illness (SMI). This oversight can lead to isolation, reduced self-esteem, and ineffective treatment outcomes despite medical interventions. As healthcare evolves, there's a growing recognition of the need for more holistic approaches incorporating medical and social support.

Social Practice emerges as a pioneering solution to this challenge. Developed by Fountain House and adopted globally, it offers a community-based approach to mental health recovery. Unlike traditional methods, social Practice emphasizes the importance of social engagement, skill development, and holistic support in areas like employment and housing, addressing the social symptoms of SMI that medication alone cannot alleviate.

Social Practice is about creating a supportive community where individuals are more than just patients; they are active members working towards common goals. This approach fosters self-esteem, resilience, and a sense of belonging, ensuring everyone feels valued and integral to the community. By prioritizing psychosocial rehabilitation, social Practice equips individuals with the necessary tools for a fulfilling life, promoting self-directed recovery and reintegration into society.

Join us in exploring social Practice, a transformative path that offers hope and empowerment for individuals with SMI, moving beyond traditional care to embrace a more inclusive and supportive future.

What Distinguishes Social Practice?

Social Practice innovates with a non-clinical, comprehensive treatment approach that harnesses the healing power of community. This method moves away from relying solely on medication and individual therapy, instead bringing people together to support each other's growth, develop skills, and rehabilitate socially.

The Pillars of Social Practice

At its core, Social Practice relies on psychosocial rehabilitation to tackle the social symptoms of SMI, such as isolation and apathy. This strategy teaches emotional, cognitive, and social skills within a community framework, aiming to arm individuals with the capabilities they need for a rich, fulfilling life.

Experiencing a Day in Social Practice

Visualize a setting where individuals with SMI transcend their diagnoses to become valued community members. The day is "work-ordered," with members and staff collaborating on tasks and projects. This collaboration instills a sense of purpose, builds skills, and enhances a feeling of achievement and belonging.

Emphasizing Choice and Autonomy

Self-direction stands as a fundamental principle in Social Practice. Members establish their recovery goals and actively shape their daily routines and decisions. This empowerment fosters self-esteem and resilience, equipping individuals to navigate their recovery path confidently.

Extending Beyond the Clubhouse

While often associated with the clubhouse model, Social Practice's principles are adaptable to various environments. Its focus is crafting therapeutic settings that promote engagement, relationship building, and personal development, broadening the scope of mental health support.

The Significance of Social Practice

Social Practice marks a shift towards a more humane, inclusive, and effective recovery process. Meeting the comprehensive needs of individuals with SMI improves mental health outcomes and enhances life quality, highlighting the crucial roles of community, dignity, and hope in recovery.

The five elements of Social Practice form a robust framework for mental health recovery, emphasizing community, personal empowerment, and sustainable growth. By integrating these principles into our approach, we address the immediate needs of individuals with SMI and lay the groundwork for a future where every person can thrive in a supportive and inclusive community.

Building a Future on Solid Ground

The Five Elements of Social Practice


Social Design

We actively craft both social and physical spaces that encourage participation and self-recovery. This involves creating structures that facilitate interaction and a sense of community, effectively countering feelings of alienation. Our environments are more than just settings; they are dynamic spaces that inspire engagement and foster a sense of safety and belonging.



Our approach to engagement is intentional and varied, ensuring that each individual finds their path to connect within the community. Whether sharing a meal, participating in a group activity, or simply enjoying a conversation over coffee, we offer diverse avenues for connection. Continuous engagement is vital, leading to enhanced self-esteem, skill-building opportunities, and a profound sense of connectedness.


Relationship Development

We support our members in forging various social relationships and community links. Recognizing that mental illness often leads to social disconnection, we emphasize the importance of diverse social networks. Through our Practice, individuals develop friendships, professional relationships, and broader community ties, combating isolation and fostering a supportive social ecosystem.


Natural Feedback and Intervention

Observation and feedback are integral to our approach, allowing personalized interventions that resonate with each individual's strengths and challenges. We blend evidence-based practices with personal preferences and professional expertise to tailor support that is both effective and empowering. This ongoing, holistic assessment ensures that interventions are responsive to the evolving needs of our community members.


Transitional Environments

We facilitate access to transitional spaces that ease the journey from therapeutic settings to everyday societal contexts. These environments are crucial for practicing new behaviors, building confidence, and navigating challenges in real-world settings. Providing safe, supportive spaces for experimentation and learning empowers individuals to reintegrate into society successfully with resilience and self-assurance.

Our vision encompasses a world where individuals with SMI lead fulfilling lives within supportive communities. By striving for these goals, we improve our members' lives and contribute to a more inclusive, empathetic, and compassionate society.

A Vision for the Future

Goals and Outcomes of Social Practice


Empowering Social Skill Development

We aim to equip our community members with the confidence to actively engage in meaningful social interactions. Developing social skills is crucial, enabling individuals to connect, communicate, and foster relationships effectively. Such empowerment enriches social networks and enhances community life.


Ensuring Social and Economic Stability

We commit to equipping our members with the necessary tools and support for stable housing and consistent social interactions. A stable living environment and a reliable social routine offer the security and continuity critical for mental health.


Cultivating Resiliency

We design our programs and support systems to build resilience, enabling individuals to navigate and recover from life's challenges with strength. This resilience nurtures a strong sense of self and the ability to handle life's ups and downs.


Enhancing Self-Esteem and Belonging

We work tirelessly to boost every individual's self-esteem, reinforcing their value and importance within the community. Fostering a sense of belonging is crucial for personal and community well-being, creating an environment where everyone finds meaning and happiness.


Promoting Mental and Physical Wellness

We advocate for a lifestyle that balances mental and physical health, including regular exercise, healthy eating, and mindfulness, alongside mental health care. This comprehensive approach ensures members are well-prepared to care for all health aspects.


Boosting Self-Efficacy

We foster a sense of self-efficacy, encouraging individuals to take control of their lives and make decisions aligned with their values and goals. This agency is vital for independence and self-determination.